FREE Pest Control Service Agreement

By | November 11, 2011


Branch Office:_______________         Account Name:
Telephone:______________              Attention:
Contact:__________________________    Billing Address:
Title:____________________________    City:__________________

Pests to be Controlled:___________    Service Address:_______
__________________________________    Service Phone:_________
                                      Office Phone:__________

Problem Areas:____________________
__________________________________    Initial Service Charge

    [name of firm]     agrees to      Monthly Service Charge
provide pest control service in       ______________________
accordance with the terms set forth   Less   % for Full
above, once each month, more often    Advance Payment_______
if deemed necessary by     [name of
firm] to effect control of the above  Amount remitted_______
pests.  The initial term of this
contract is for one year and shall    12 MONTH'S AGREEMENT
continue on a month-to-month basis    THEREAFTER MONTHLY
thereafter, until terminated by
either party.  Customer agrees to     ______________________
accept service each month and to
make the premises available for       Owner   Lessee   Agent
said service.

